“Jen is a baby whisperer!”
From the moment our first born arrived Jen & the incredible Wotbaby bible has been there every step of the way. Nothing really prepares you for being first time parents but by having WOTBaby as our guide we found complete confidence when it came to sleep & settling. All three of our boys thrived under the Wotbaby bible - sleeping babies are happy babies (and parents too!!)!! It’s also given us great joy to be able to share WotBaby with our family & friends & see the same benefits unfold for them.

“Jen quite literally gave me back my life and I will be forever indebted to her”
I enlisted the help of Jen when my son was 3 and a half months old. By no fault of his own he had developed an addiction to his dummy which kept him up throughout the night, was prone to catnapping during the day and was on the brink of the 4 month sleep regression. Jen immediately helped ease us into a routine and schedule that still works a charm to this day. Not only did Jen help my baby sleep, she was there every step of the way to support me emotionally through the entire process. I now have a well rested, happy baby who I have a wonderfully fun relationship with. Jen quite literally gave me back my life and I will be forever indebted to her.

“WOTBaby was a lifesaver!”
Jen & WOTBaby got me through some of the hardest years of my parenting life! I had three babies in 13 months, the first being twins and I had no idea what I was doing. WOTBaby was a lifesaver! I followed WOTBaby’s suggested routines and sleep advice and all 3 of my kids were sleeping through 12 hours a night by 4 months of age. Ultimately it meant we slept too! WOTBaby is the support every new parent and baby needs to thrive! I can’t recommend it enough!

“Jen came to our house when my son was 12 weeks old and literally changed my entire perspective”
Being a first time mum, I was completely overwhelmed and sleep deprived and felt as though I wasn't 'enjoying' motherhood as much as I should have been. Because I am also a psychologist, I felt as though I should already know what to do, and sleep time was really anxiety provoking for me. Jen came to our house when my son was 12 weeks old and literally changed my entire perspective. She was able to give me the skills and confidence to help my son sleep, and from that day on, we established a routine that worked well for us. Even now when things get tough, she's only a phone call away.

“I would not still be sane if it weren’t for Jen and her sleep training”
Jen has been a lifesaver to me over the years as we’ve integrated our five babies into the family. I would not still be sane if it weren’t for Jen and her sleep training and settling techniques! I highly recommend her to any parent looking to regain some normalcy and give a great start to their children’s lives.
“I feel like I am a better Mum because of Jen, she literally CHANGED OUR LIVES. ”
I'm now writing this from the 'other side'. Hearing Mums talk like this used to really frustrate me. I think I just didn't believe that this was possible for us. BUT IT WAS AND IS! Jen and the WOT Baby philosophy totally changed our lives. Cash now (touch wood!!!) sleeps a solid 12 hours straight every single night. I'm kind of scared to write this in case I jinx it! From the bottom of my heart I feel like I am a better Mum because of Jen. I also can't believe how much my supply has changed from getting proper quality sleep - my breastfeeding is now going from strength to strength. I feel like I can now totally enjoy Cash during his waking hours and not look at the clock counting down when both him and I can go to sleep next. Now when Cash is asleep I miss him and can't wait for him to wake up! I now have people telling me how lucky we are to have a good sleeper. It's not luck. It was bloody hard work - BUT WE GOT THERE (and will stay there if we stay consistent!!)

“I’m truly grateful for Jen and her help to get Duke to this place.”
As a first time mum it is an incredibly daunting concept to have to keep a new baby thriving, well rested and happy. The constant juggle, the guesswork, the torturous lack of sleep, the opinions, can have a huge impact on a new mum. It is for most part very overwhelming. Having faced some personal lows before, I was worried that the sleep deprivation would creep up on me and cause some unwanted post-partum effects. When I engaged with Jen, I was at the tipping point and needed some urgent help. Duke had developed a snacking and cat napping pattern which meant he wasn’t getting substantial sleep cycles and therefore I wasn’t. During the night I was up almost hourly, no consistency. The WOT routine was hard work initially but the commitment in those first weeks was worthwhile. The WOT method is an absolute game changer. I will never forget the first time I slept through the night! My life changed. Jen gave me the tools and the confidence to be the mum I’ve always dreamt to be. I now know what my son needs and when. I can leave him with family with peace of mind that he won’t get upset and if he does, which is rare, I/they can determine exactly what it he needs. It is so empowering and you truly feel like you are giving your baby the best start to life. Duke aces this routine now and is thriving! He eats better, he sleeps well and can deal with anything new we might throw his way. It is truly incredible. I can now enjoy my life with a very happy and well rested sidekick in tow. I’m truly grateful for Jen and her help to get Duke to this place. Thanks Jen!

“Our family would be absolutely lost without Jen! This program has legitimately made me a better mother”
I have been a WOTBaby fan since my first daughter was 3 months old. We struggled A LOT with my first daughters sleep and I tried multiple programs which did not work us. I am so glad I discovered WOTBaby, because the lack of sleep was one of the hardest things I have ever had to handle. I found the windows of time the key to figuring out a lot of her sleeping issues. Along came my second daughter 15 months later. This time around the settling techniques were an absolute life saver in sorting out her sleep and teaching her to self-settle. She is 9 weeks old and is already sleeping through the night with just a dream feed. I have even been able to sort out her day naps in her cot following the program! This has allowed me to have more one on one time with my eldest and keep my house hold in order. Our family would be absolutely lost without Jen! This program has legitimately made me a better mother as I can relax and enjoy both of my girls during their awake windows and have the nights to spend with my husband. Not to mention having my sleep back! I have always had people telling me how lucky I am to have such good sleepers. This couldn’t be further from the truth we worked extremely hard to get where we are with the girls sleep. I give all the credit to Jen and WOTBaby for my amazing sleepers!

“My heart has never been fuller, and words cannot express how thankful we are for Jen! “
When we contacted Jen to come and help with baby Oscar when he was 6 months old, we were truly at our wits end! Oscar was under the care of our Paediatrician for reflux, on medication, a little too lean, screaming night and day, and generally unhappy. I was averaging 4 hours of broken sleep a night, and it wasn’t uncommon to be up 4-5 times settling him. I simply could not get Oscar to self-settle or sleep more than an hour at a time. The months of accumulated sleep deprivation took its toll on my ability to function, and I was desperate for some help. Before seeing Jen, I went to multiple sessions with Karitane nurses, spoke to several expensive Mothercraft consultants – one who told me she couldn’t help me until Oscar’s reflux was under control and another who told me Oscar didn’t have reflux. I felt absolutely helpless. WOTBaby was recommended to me by another mother and a few friends also spoke highly of Jen. When she came to us for a home visit, her calm and assertive approach right from the first conversation, gave me immediate hope that all would be ok. She showed me how to prepare his room, the cot, and put him to bed. She equipped Oscar with the skills to self-settle and was right by my side as I battled through his cries. She was spot on when she said “imagine if you had someone shushing and patting you when you were trying to sleep? You wouldn’t be able to sleep either”. From a health perspective, Oscar has put on weight and is crawling and trying to stand up. He has slept through the night since you came to see us. I am now starting to feel like myself again and I’m back at work, and I can give Noa & Ethan (and Oscar of course) the energy, time, and attention they deserve.

“I love The Windows of Time – it makes everything so simple when it comes to Teddy’s feed and sleep schedule.”
I would not have survived without WOTBaby! WOTBaby helped me with my first baby Valentine around 2 years ago. And WOTBaby is helping me again this time around with my new little man Teddy.⠀

“I’m forever grateful I came across WOTBaby as a first time mum”
Both of my boys have thrived since they were only a few weeks old from all of the wonderful techniques and knowledge I gained from the WOTBaby app and Bible. I’m forever grateful I came across WOTBaby as a first time mum.

“We are a happy household because of WOTBaby and I recommended it to everyone”
We have been WOTBaby fans since our first daughter was 8 weeks old. She’s now 18 months and now we have Elodie who is 12 weeks. Sleep is really important in our house and we genuinely wouldn’t have survived (especially the last few months) without WOTBaby.

“So grateful for your guidance and support”
The consult with Jen gave us the guidance we needed. Jen gave us some tough love advice which worked almost instantly. Within a few days we started to see Annie go back to her usual routine of sleeping 12 hours a night and not needing our support to settle or stay asleep.

“Will be forever grateful for giving our family the gift of sleep!”
I had followed WOT baby techniques with my 18 month old son so knew they worked but was having trouble implementing them into our current routine with my first born and his schedule. After a phone consultation with Jen she gave me the tools and confidence to get started with Asher and our journey began. We ditched the dummy, started teaching Asher how to access sleep and on night 3 I had a 3 month old baby who slept 6pm-6am with a 10pm dreamfeed and has done so ever since! My advice to anyone following this program (which I stole from @tigga_natoli on Instagram:) “do EVERYTHING Jen says EXACTLY and you won’t regret it” She is a professional and knows her stuff. I trust what she says and will be forever grateful for giving our family the gift of sleep!

“Thank you Jen for sharing your wisdom and equipping me with the tools to help my baby sleep!”
I would read Jen’s reviews about mums who claimed their babies slept from 6:30-6:30 and would have bet my life Lara wasn’t capable of that. From the first day Jen came for a home visit Lara slept 12 hours through the night and has done so ever since! I can’t explain how much Lara and I needed a routine and she is thriving because of it! thank you Jen for sharing your wisdom and equipping me with the tools to help my baby sleep! She plays, eats and sleeps so well now I can’t believe how much it’s all linked. One won’t work without the other. thank you thank you thank you Jen!

“Jen gave us the confidence we needed and we are so grateful!”
We decided to reach out to WOTBaby after many sleepless weeks not knowing how to settle our baby. We were rocking, bouncing, anything to get her to sleep quickly but with a toddler in the house, we were well and truely exhausted. After only 2 days of being super consistent, Isabelle is sleeping in her cot, drifting gently off to sleep. Isabelle is now such a happy baby and so is the whole household because we are all sleeping!