“So grateful for your guidance and support”

We booked a consult with Jen soon after we had our second baby. Mainly because our 19 month old’s sleep had deteriorated significantly.

Suddenly she wanted someone to stay with her in the room until she fell asleep, was waking multiple times overnight and started shortening her daytime nap.

The consult with Jen gave us the guidance we needed. Jen gave us some tough love advice which worked almost instantly.

Within a few days we started to see Annie go back to her usual routine of sleeping 12 hours a night and not needing our support to settle or stay asleep.

Charlie has been a WOTBaby since birth, slowly implementing the self-settling techniques and using The Bible to guide us. Charlie has been sleeping through from his dream feed since he was approx. 8 weeks old and for me this has been paramount.

Getting a good night’s sleep has made such a difference and definitely helps us to parent two kids under 2.

Thanks WOTBaby, we are so grateful for your guidance and support and are loving having our evenings back!

- Maeve-Ann


“We are a happy household because of WOTBaby and I recommended it to everyone”


“Will be forever grateful for giving our family the gift of sleep!”